looking at you with my BIG eyes...
Monday, September 05, 2005
It all starts
It all starts with one question,inquiring
about life. It makes you think about every
star in the sky, every being here,making a
difference before you go is etched in your
mind.It all starts with life, but death is
not the ending point actually, it could very
much be the beginning of something beautiful.
It all starts...... This is the beginning of
my inquirings about all. Sometimes taking
a piece of something else, could be the piece
you were searching for.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Such a beautiful name for a wretched diaster.
Why do they name these hurricanes after people?
Isn't it hard to imagine your life changing in one second?
Every thing around you lost, you don't know where to go.
Alot of people are now facing that truth. Please
help those in poverty right now...any way is wonderful
Just to help one another through this hard time is
Read Corinthiens 13.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Hello everyone!
I've had someone ask me why the first week
of school was hard, i'll tell you.
The second day of school i had volleyball
tryouts in the morning{like at 7:00am!}
Then i had like a project for quest
that was due the next week! And being a procrastinator
that i am i didn't want to end up doing it
at the last second, but as usual that's what
happened......hummmm i guess my first
wasn't as busy as i thought.. I miss
all my friends it's so sad that i only get
to see most of them only at lunch.
7th grade is so different, i think i miss
6th grade.......